Thursday, March 28, 2013

Magazine Wall of Underwater DOOM!!!

At the library I work for, we have a wall with fold-up shelving that houses our magazine subscriptions.  A few years ago most of these shelves ended up being empty due to budget cuts and it somehow became my job to beautify the area so it didn't look so depressingly empty (though we've since mostly bounced back with the number of our subscriptions).  I used to try and do seasonal displays, but since I can no longer be sure I'll be able to get to it often enough, I switched themes a while ago.  First I did the End of the Dinosaur Age, with a giant meteor coming down from the sky (which was made by my incredibly talented coworker) and dinosaurs stuck in tar pits.  Next up was Deep Space, in which the giant meteor was re-purposed into a comet, there were some planets, a UFO (also made by my coworker), Sputnik, and about a million sparkly stars I punched out of a corrugated glitter sheet.  This time, I decided to go with the Deep Sea.  First, here it is in all its glory:
Way down there in the right corner, I've got part of a giant squid lurking.
Hi there!
A little further along are some of his tentacles waving around.
Those are some pretty fine tentacles, if I do say so myself!
I hope things go ok for that whale!
Hello.  I am a whale.
Up at the top, we've got a school of creepy jellyfish.
They actually look kind of awesome from a distance.
The first of my coworker's contributions to the wall is this absolutely fantastic submarine:
Followed by some perpetually angry angler fish:
And my faaaavorite thing that she made based on an offhand comment of mine:
Her reward from me was a copy of Bioshock for her very own.
And finally, a somewhat smaller giant squid that I made:
Hello.  I am a squid.
I think I'm pretty good at making squids!  I'm sure I will find endless uses for this talent throughout my career.  Now I need to start coming up with ideas for the next display, which will go up a few months down the line.  Anyone have any ideas?


  1. Either that is one super tiny whale, or "giant squid" is the UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE CENTURY!!! :)

    Do Planet of the Apes next! :)
